
Publications Link to heading

  1. Ding, Guanzu, Guangyuan Guo(corresponding author), Caiyun Wu, and Jiawen Yu. 2022. “China-US Trade Friction and Welfare: The Role of Regional Trade Agreements.” Economic Modelling 113 (August): 105877.
  2. Guo, Guangyuan, Jing Li, Dan Wang, and Lina Zhang. 2021. “Political Connection, Contract Intensity, and OFDI: Evidence from China.” Journal of Economic Surveys, June, joes.12448.
  3. 唐正明、郭光远(通讯作者):《大宗商品价格冲击下国内外通货膨胀的空间关联性研究》,《国际金融研究》,2018年第12期。
  4. 郭光远、樊海潮、唐正明:《平滑转移空间自回归模型下Ⅳ方法参数估计值的一致性研究》,《统计研究》,2018年第04期。
  5. 樊海潮、李瑶、郭光远:《信贷约束对生产率与出口价格关系的影响》,《世界经济》,2015年第12期。
  6. 樊海潮、郭光远:《出口价格、出口质量与生产率间的关系:中国的证据》,《世界经济》,2015年第02期。

Working Papers Link to heading

  1. Fan, Haichao, Guangyuan Guo, Yu Liu, Huanhuan Wang, “Trade Uncertainty and Firm Pollution”, resubmit at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

  2. Fan, Haichao, Guangyuan Guo (corresponding author), Caiyun Wu, “The Impact of the China–US Trade War on China’s Trade and Investments”, minor revision at Economic and Political Studies.

  3. Guo, Guangyuan, Huanhuan Wang, Jiaxin Xiong, “From Consciousness to Conduct: Social Awareness and Corporate Environmental Investment”, under review at Journal of International Money and Finance.

  4. 王欢欢、郭光远(通讯作者)、陈诗一,《“两税合并”与企业污染排放:来自中国企业的证据》, 《经济学(季刊)》外审修改。

  5. 郭光远,《基于分割似然比方法的平滑转移空间自回归模型推断》。